The answer to everything. The number 42 seems to be a popular one, particularly among fans of the late Douglas Adams' classic novel, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Today, that number and I are one. Today, 42 years ago, I was born. 42. That's 21 doubled. Sometimes I still think I'm 21, or no more than 22. How could I be so old?
But wait. Let's look at the upside. Now that I am 42, I assume that before this year is over, all of life's mysteries will be unveiled before me. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, for those readers who fail to grasp the significance of 42, here's a pretty decent explanation from a site called, appropriately, Chapel42.
Today is also All Saint's Day. How appropriate that my parents named me after two NewTestament saints. Was it coincidence or fate? Am I destined for sainthood? Express your opinions below and I'll personally forward them on to the Vatican.