10. You couldn't wait til Petra's new album came out.
9. You weren't allowed to play Dungeons and Dragons (your mom told you the story of the boy who committed suicide when his D & D character died).
8. You weren't allowed to hang out with the pastor's kid!
7. You weren't allowed to watch "First Blood" because it was "R."
6. You remember being bummed because Terry Bradshaw said the "S - H . . ." word in "Cannonball Run."
5. You remember the first week that you didn't sing a hymn, because there was a new thing called a praise song, handwritten on a transparency on the overhead projector.
4. You wrote a bogus name on a registration card and dropped it in the offering plate.
3. You were made aware of all the evils of backward masking.
2. You still have a Bible you caught at a Stryper concert.
1. You remember someone singing an "El Shaddai" solo at church every week.