Alas, not coming soon to a Christian bookseller near you... Harry Potter gets saved and becomes a fundamentalist Christian in the latest from J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter in the Lake of Fire.
Thanks to Christian satire magazine The Door, we can get an exclusive sneak peek at the first Harry Potter book for evangelical Christians. An excerpt from the excerpt:
"What?" said Ron Weasley in astonishment, "Have you gone off your bloomin' rocker? You're going to burn all your books of magical incantations, and destroy your wizard's wand, and your cloak of invisibility? You must be mad!"
"Not at all," shot back Harry, with a fiery glint of righteous boldness in his eyes. "Through the anointed ministry of Bob Larson, I have come to see that these things are all tools of Satan.
And a bit of an explanation about the book, from the editors of The Door:
Over the last several years, devout Christians have watched longingly as their unsaved neighbors have devoured the adventures of the intrepid Harry Potter. Sadly, they could not partake of these magical books because of the rampant witchcraft and occult themes that permeated the stories.
Some have even secretly read the books and suffered under a crushing burden of guilt and shame.
Entire families have been ripped apart by the controversial series.
But now there may be good news for Christian families.
Author J. K. Rowling is no dummy. Over the years she has watched Tim LaHaye churn out shlock novels that became bestsellers without the compelling plot or vibrant characters of her Potter series. Evangelical Christians bought them simply because they thought they OUGHT to.
With a slight change of direction in her ongoing story and by co-opting the plot of the Left Behind series, she could capture the Evangelical Christian market and, as a side benefit, perhaps put LaHaye out of business.
Isn't it great that evangelical Christians can now enjoy this literary phenomenon without fear of eternal damnation? Read away, muggles...
Link via blogs4God, which posts links galore about Pottermania. And if you can't get your fill there, try CT Weblog.