Lectio divina Last year during Lent, I tried my hand at that old spiritual discipline known as lectio divina. Jon Reid also did it last year, and is doing it again this year. After reading my tongue-in-cheek post about giving up blogging about a certain movie for Lent, Jon asked if I planned to practice the discipline again this year. The short answer is, part of me would like to, but I probably won't. I'm not feeling very spiritual these days. Plus, Lent snuck up on me this year (as it did for Jon). Last year, I managed to keep the daily mediations, off and on, throughout Lent , and it was a fruitful exercise. But I think I'll take this year off, or start a bit later. Maybe I'll do something during the latter half of Lent. Think of it as kind of like running a mini-marathon -- it's still a good thing to do, just not as extreme.