Lunch at the desk... I love leftover fried chicken. That's today's lunch -- a southern-fried chicken breast from Monday night's dinner with raw broccoli, cauliflour and green peppers, washed down with lovely Culligan Man water from the office water cooler. I'm trying to finish up a news release and play a game of chess on Yahoo, but my opponent must have a very slow connection. (Update: I just forced him to forfeit, as the 10-minute time limit expired. Yet another unearned victory pushing my rating through the roof. Muhahahahah)
Cold fried chicken and veggies, an easy, unearned chess victory, bootlegged Sex Pistols, and a half-written news release. I ask you, can there be a better way for a desk jockey to spend his lunch hour? I think not.
God save history
God save your mad parade
Lord God have mercy
all crimes are paid...