Sharing the love Taking a cue from a fairly recent Woebot post, I'm listing a few of my favorite blogrolled sites. These are the ones that keep me clicking back for more.
Bene Diction. What is it about this blog that sucks me in every morning? Is it that feeling of calm I get from the clean layout and the header with a duck, an evergreen, a lake and a maple leaf on it? Is it the fact that he recently linked to one of my posts? Is it the occasional, well-timed rant? The slow download time today? I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. But I like you, Bene Diction. I really, really like you.
Jordon Cooper. I learn so much from Jordon's eclectic site. The man reads everything of worth on the web (and some things not so worthy, but the chaff is hardly noticeable) and then posts probably 90 percent of it. He offers an eclectic mix of news, commentary, and fun. Several times, I've found myself discovering something on my own -- such as during lunch yesterday when I read about Jerry Seinfeld's new American Express ads for the web -- and thought it would make great blog material, only to surf over to and find it's already been posted.
Relapsed Catholic and Holy Weblog! consistently have the best headlines for their posts. But I wish they had comments on their blogs, and I wish Holy Weblog! had less of a life outside of the blogosphere so she'd post more often.
Richard Hall. I had never read much Wesley before discovering Richard Hall's site. But I also like the way he inserts himself into various and sundry cross-blog discussions and arguments. He always comes across as level-headed and patient in his comments. Well, most of the time. Plus, I like much of his taste in music.
Gideon Strauss and Akma. I always feel smarter after reading these guys' blogs. Except for the times when I wallk away feeling dumber.
No Rock&Roll Fun. This is quickly becoming my favorite site for music news.
Brad Boydston. Another good site chock full of religion-related news, mixed with personal observations.
none too shabby. A recent discovery. I'm enjoying reading her stuff.
Real Live Preacher. I hesitated about putting this one on the list, because I don't visit RLP as often as I'd like. Because when I do, I get sucked in and waste my life away reading about all of his adventures with raccoons, the writing life, and occasional links to incredible stuff like this.
Ack! Look at the time. 8:32 a.m. and I haven't done a nickel's worth of work for the system yet. I'll post more love later.