Why has the church been so prudishly anti-sexual, giving grudging tolerance only to the marriage bed? Part of the answer lies in the scriptural dualism that rips apart spirit and body, elevating the first to mystical heights and writing off the body as tainted and fallen, to be crushed if it oversteps the boundaries of religious authority.
Take the doctrine of original sin, a damning picture of the human race if ever there was one. Then you have the whole thrust of religious morality, which is prohibitive, negative and disparaging about sexual behaviour. Read the Old Testament moral code, with its repeated chorus, "Thou shalt not ... " Listen to Paul's sour comment, "If a woman will not veil herself, she should cut off her hair."
The gist of the message is clear. Jealousy, greed, pride and cruelty can go on the back burner. Desire, sexual craving and physical pleasure are the arch sins that will strike you down.