Now that's justice! If Logan Darrow Clements has his way, at least one Supreme Court justice may regret his vote on Kelo vs. City of New London, the decision that will allow local governments to force landowners to sell to allow private development. Clements has submitted a request to the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire, seeking to start the process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road, where Supreme Court Justice David Souter currently lives. Souter voted in favor of the ruling that would allow the Weare Board of Selectmen to vote on Clements' request.
According to this press release issued by Clements: "The proposed development, called 'The Lost Liberty Hotel' will feature the 'Just Desserts Cafe' and include a museum, open to the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America. Instead of a Gideon's Bible each guest will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged."