More posts about albums that changed our lives The posts from fellow bloggers and readers just keep coming in. I'm already developing quite a backlog of submissions from blog buddies who heeded my call for the "top 10 albums that changed your life." I'll try to get to most of them this week, but if I don't get to yours, please be patient. I haven't forgotten you.
This evening's entry comes from Beth Maynard of the U2 Sermons blog. Beth's the co-editor of and contributor to a wonderful collection of essays, Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalog. Check out Beth's blog for all things U2. Lest you think Beth's just another one-trick U2 fan, one read of her list of the top 10 albums that changed her life will prove otherwise:
The Beatles 1967-70 I think it was my first album, and of course it's not really even an album. But it opened my eyes and launched a multi-year Beatles obsession.
Patti Smith, Horses I saw her do "Gloria" on Saturday Night Live and was gobsmacked. This is art!
U2, The Joshua Tree My first U2 album purchase, quickly followed by every other album U2 had made up to that point. I could barely speak. This was too good to be true.
Francis Cabrel (self-titled) My first album in French. Gifted lyricist. "Les murs de poussiere" still makes me want to run a class on pop retellings of the Prodigal Son parable.
Steve Taylor, I Want to Be a Clone What can I say, I was raised by a sarcastic mother and I'm a sucker for wit. I was having my first real experience of hanging out with evangelicals when I bought this... and, uh, I listened to it a lot.
The B-52s (self titled) Instant visions of frat parties with everyone screaming DOWN DOWN. I loved this album so much I bought my now-husband a towel and had what turned out to be a misunderstood lyric from "Rock Lobster" hand-sewn onto it. (Who knew they were saying everybody had "matching" towels?)
Alanis Morrissette, Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie If I were more pop-aware it would be Jagged Little Pill, which is a much better piece of work, but "Thank U" and "Baba" hit me just right at the time. Saw her live and kind of lost interest, though.
Over The Rhine, Films for Radio I could pretty much pick any of their stuff which I bought all at the same time, but "I Radio Heaven" is the song that nailed me to the wall.
Mozart, Mass in C Minor I sang in this my junior year in high school and was shocked by how intense the experience was. A recording of it by I don't remember what choir, the first classical record I ever bought, is probably in part repsonsible for my choice to major in music.
Arcade Fire, Funeral Who are these people and where did they get that accordion? Also, I can use "Laika" for my Prodigal Son class.