GuruLib is a web-based cataloging tool that allows users to organize their book, music, CD, DVD, software, video game collections. It uses the power of the Internet to search some 530 public and university library databases and six servers to retrieve the info you need about your library. I spent several hours over the weekend cataloging my stuff on GuruLib. (Hey, it was better than watching the "Missouri Miracle" on every cable and local TV new channel, or listening for the next tree limb to fall.) Now I have a nice inventory of my personal music and book libraries, complete with pricing, for inventory and insurance purposes.
If you're looking for a nifty way to catalog your stuff, I suggest you give GuruLib a try. It's free and, despite a few bugs, relatively easy to use. Plus, you can meet other people who share the same interests as you.
Disclosure: GuruLib is the creation of a UMR Ph.D. student whom I interviewed for a press release about the service.